Saturday, March 19, 2011

Battle: Los Angeles Trailer

This is the trailer for the film "Battle: LA". Some of my students were talking about the movie in class on Monday and how "great" of a film it was. Apparently I live under a rock because I hadn't heard of it prior to their discussion. "Miss Hailey" they whined, "you have to see it!"

Even in the trailer there are some authentic shots of Los Angeles, especially the Santa Monica area. Has anyone seen this? Looks pretty violent to me... What do you think?


  1. This film has been a topic of discussion for many lately. I haven't been able to tell if everyone is chatting about it because it is worth seeing or because it takes place in our own backyard essentially. Personally, I know the only reason I would consider seeing it would be to see Los Angeles, specifically Santa Monica, on the big screen. While many films have used LA as their backdrop, I think what makes this movie different is that it is supposed to focus on a crazy scenario amidst everyday LA life. Some say it makes the battle feel "real" because of this. It certainly would be a far cry away from another LA based Romantic Comedy. Maybe I'll rent it.

  2. I was wondering the same thing about it -- was the gimmick worth it? I haven't talked to anyone who has seen it yet. I like some of these scenarios, "what ifs" taken to the tenth-power. There was a book that came out at least a couple of decades ago called "The Great Los Angeles Blizzard" -- it was pretty hilarious, actually. Imagine the four-level under several feet of snow. Snow weighing down those red tile roofs. Crazy.

  3. Reilly, Jade and I were talking about this movie after class, mostly because I thought my video response was supposed to be a YouTube thing and not an actual response to one of the videos we've seen on class. Oh well, chalk it up to another embarrassing moment for me. Now everyone thinks I'm the girl who LOVES Battle LA...

  4. Oh Miss Hailey you are so weird for loving Battle LA, and for mistaking this for you video blog!
    I'm actually not sure what I think of the film yet because it looks like all the other end-of-the-world films. Is there a difference between this and Cloverfield, Day After Tomorrow, 2012, or even Independence Day? I haven't made a decision but I really like Michelle Rodriquez though so I might give it a chance. Thanks for the educational video response post!
