Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The "Venice Sign"

THE iconic Venice sign in Windward Circle is (as of summer 2007) a grand exception to many who accuse Los Angeles of forgetting - of rebuilding and reinventing history to cover the blemishes left by the past.

Argue it’s clichĂ© or iconic, it’s really a touch of both, but it this sign puts a bright white and glowing bow on my Venice experience – in the evenings and in the sunshine while grabbing a coffee at CafĂ© Collage.

The sign was an original (like 1905 original) Venice landmark. Then, sixty something years after the sign “disappeared” these fresh, and vaguely familiar (you’ve probably seen them on old postcards), letters again began glowing above Windward. Please note, the sign did not just “disappear” – rather I have found no source that can confirm what actually happened, but “it” happened the late 40’s or early 50’s.

In a meeting of the “Venice Arts Council” most participants affirmed the solar power initiative with the sign, and one contributor took this historic nostalgia to the next level and enthusiastically said, “Yes! Wonderful! Since you are using LEDs, why not make it with the bulbs that can change colors!”

I feel obliged to mention that anyone can “Adopt-A-Bulb” to support the historic restoration of the Venice Sign. Two hundred bucks makes you a sponsor for two years. Hopefully it doesn’t make a habit of these disappearing acts.

--Sarah Kruberg

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