I often tell my friends that I won't live in a house as nice as the one I do now until I'm 35. My backyard has a great view - stretching from sleepy Marina Del Rey on up the coast to Malibu, inland to Century City, traversing upward to reach the Hollywood sign, and eventually ending with downtown's iconic skyline. In my parents home, when I was growing up in Marin County, where views come standard, I became spoiled, and developed a condition not conducive to living in much of Los Angeles - the "i need a view" condition.
With graduation a handful of days away I am consumed in thought - where to live being the most prominent question. I am concerned - where can I live in LA, affordably, with a view? Will I have to submit to the drudgery of boxed-in apartment living downtown? ... (which I'm coming to understand is no cheap reality at nearly $1000/month). Will I ever shed this 'view complex'?
-- Ryan Cavalier
Photo Cred: Dr. Mills LMU
I can totally agree with your perspective. I live in Huntington Beach and similar thoughts have ran through my head when I think of my future and how I am going to afford having the same type of lifestyle I have had for my 21 years. Its interesting that you talk about this because it relates to the reading we had that mentioned our generation not being able to afford what our parents raised us with. We have to find jobs that pay six figures or else we will have to shed our "view complex".